Early this month, I returned the copyedits for Key Practices for Fostering Engaged Learning: A Guide for Faculty and Staff, so it’s starting to feel even more real.
This book shares themes from over a decade of international, multi-institutional, and multi-disciplinary research facilitated by the Center for Engaged Learning’s research seminars on engaged learning topics. I offer brief – but deep – dives into six key practices for fostering engaged learning in higher education.
By focusing on key practices across institutional contexts, not only outcomes and case studies, the book prepares readers to address high-impact practice challenges like scale, quality, equity, and integration. When the conversation about high-quality engaged learning focuses on key practices, individuals and institutions are better equipped to consider the human and financial resources necessary to scale-up access without compromising quality, to ensure equitable experiences for all student groups, and to facilitate students’ integration of their learning with their other higher education and lived experiences.
Watch for updates on the Center’s website and at Stylus.